Rounds and Quarters

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tebowing: A Craze or a Contempt

Ever heard of Tim Tebow?

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow is an American football player who is currently the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos of the National Football League (NFL). He was homeschooled by his mother and his father is a pastor. No wonder that he is very vocal on his faith as well as he really didn't compromise his beliefs. He is famous for the new pose craze nowadays called tebowing. Planking, tea potting, owling, batting, and horsemanning were so over and the new is tebowing craze since people have noticed Tim Tebow kneeling and praying before and after the game. "Tebowing" is a neologism derived from Tebow's propensity for kneeling and praying. The origin of the phrase is credited to fan Jared Kleinstein, who posted a picture with friends on Facebook, in which they mimic a pose by Tebow that was caught on camera following the Broncos' improbable overtime victory over the Dolphins on October 23, 2011. The popularity of the picture led Kleinstein to set up a website showing pictures submitted by people depicting various interpretations of "Tebowing" all over the world. In December 2011, the life-sized wall adhesions company Fathead released a "tebowing" sticker which generated $50,000 in revenue in two days. Whoa!

Tim Tebow kneeling and praying
Personally speaking, I'm proud of Tim Tebow. Unlike the other so called Christian, he amidst the sea of faces of people have all the guts to show and proudly say that he is a Christian. His kneeling and praying is just an addition to his being a good athlete and a person. He is still active on missions. He even has a Tim Tebow foundation, eh. His official website has also a verse from the Bible; John 3:16; an evangelical verse.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

As for his critics, hmmm they have the freedom anyway to criticize him. However my only appeal is that there are a lot of athletes that are more worthy to be criticized for a bad action taken, yet the irony is they are focusing on Tim Tebow who is just practicing his belief and this person is actually not doing them any harm. Such an irony, eh.

P.S. Taking aside this Tim Tebow issue, I've read today that the United Kingdom Anti-Doping Association warned athletes to avoid foods that will make an athlete test positive on a drug screening. Would you believe that the top of that list is liver? Liver is said to increase the risk of an athlete testing positive for anabolic agent clenbuterol. Oh, don’t know what is the meaning of this but I’d rather ask my friend nurse in scrub uniforms about this.

Liver Sandwich

The Food Standard Agency, a British government agency (either in scrub uniforms or not) similar to the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., advised athletes against eating liver.

The FSA cannot rule out the possibility that if a large portion of liver is consumed containing clenbuterol at permitted residue limits, urine collected shortly after consumption may contain detectable levels of clenbuterol. This depends on many factors including the amount consumed, the timing of the urine test and the analytical methods used.

For more info about this, kindly ask your medical practitioner wearing scrub uniforms and lab coats about the foods that may cause clenbuterol.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

On Tennis' Wardrobe Malfunction and Rafa's Win

Here are some of the news I've gathered about the tennis world lately:

The bad news: 

Venus Williams experienced a wardrobe malfunction during a good-natured exhibition match against Italian tennis player Flavia Pennetta in Milan. The left strap on one of Venus' self-designed eleVen dresses with an embroidery digitizing logo on the upper right side of it, snapped during the match, almost exposing some extra skin to the assembled crowd. But Venus managed to cover up this problem, eh.

The good news:

My favorite tennis player, Rafa wearing his sportswear with his favorite brand embroidery digitizing logo won against Juan Monaco. He had given a great performance here. Take a look:

So, that's all for this week; haha. cause next week will be a different week and of course different update too. :)

Source: Venus Williams almost had a wardrobe malfunction in Italy

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The President's Shoes, The Athlete's Shoes and More Shoes

President Obama was well known as a Chicago Bulls fan, yet this photo of the shoes his carrying tells otherwise.  Notice the athletic red shoes his carrying.

Now, take a look at this photo of the point guard Brandon Jennings of Milwaukee Bucks:

Isn't it similar? Is there something political here? Or Obama just changed his mind on his favorite basketball team that he also changed his athletic shoes?